LSBIM ACTIVITY [10] — 11 Jan 2023
MOU Signing Ceremony between LSBIM and Guoann.com
Kuala Lumpur, 11 January 2023 - Lembaga Sumber Bakat Industri Malaysia (LSBIM) has officially become a strategic partner of GUOANN.com.
The enterprise and development vision of LSBIM and GUOANN.com are aligned and both parties signed a joint Strategic Cooperation Memorandum (MoU) today.
This Strategic Cooperation Memorandum (MoU) Signing Ceremony represents LSBIM's authoritative recognition of GUOANN.com's professional service capabilities, and close cooperation between the two parties. Both parties will together provide comprehensive professional services for SMEs in Malaysia!
#LSBIM #Guoanndotcom #MoU