Our Activities
1st Executive Management Empowerment Special Committee Meeting
KUALA LUMPUR, 14 MARCH 2023 – The Malaysia Industrial Talent Board (LSBIM) has held the 1st Executive Management Empowerment Special Committee Meeting held at the Swiss Garden Hotel, Jalan Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur. LSBIM National President, YBhg Dr. CM Kong, in his speech, congratulated and thanked the lineup of members present at this meeting.
Dr. CM Kong expressed his gratitude that LSBIM had successfully implemented various activities and programs throughout the beginning of 2022 until now such as holding courtesy visits to several Malaysian and foreign government bodies, the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with companies in Malaysia, software development programs, educational programs and others and able to hold meetings of the highest board members every quarter.
Dr. CM Kong emphasized on the vision, mission, and goals of LSBIM created to apply spirituality, welfare, family and health that can have a positive impact on all members. LSBIM's vision is to research, collect, and maximize the use of data, policies, and laws in the interest of employment for all industries in Malaysia while LSBIM's mission is to develop and sustain the economic well-being of workers, job providers, and the community by fostering excellence in consumer education programs and trade.
In addition, an LSBIM Agreement Signing Ceremony was held for the first time for all LSBIM Board Committee Members which was witnessed and officiated by YBhg. Dr. CM Kong. He suggested to all Board Committee Members to contribute suggestions and ideas not only for the benefit of their respective divisions but also to improve the LSBIM organization as well.
Dr. CM Kong is proud of LSBIM members because they are busy with official duties in their respective businesses but still give time to LSBIM. He said, without the agreement of all parties in LSBIM could move as it is now because sincerity should be the practice of every Board Committee Member in carrying out every task entrusted to them.
Dr. CM Kong also expressed his immense appreciation and gratitude to all the board committee members involved for attending and making this meeting a success.

Deputy Secretary General: Mr. Dylan Ng Heong Yoong
National Vice President: Mrs. Alice Wong Kim Yoke
National President: Dr. CM Kong
Honorary Treasurer: Mrs. Ginnie Liaw
Second Row from the front left (Board Committee Members):
Head of Health & Rehabilitation Division: Dato' Dr. Jealous Tan Chee Hou
Head of Investment Division: Mrs Vivienne Loh Shean Choo
Head of Information & Communication Technology Division: Mr. Desmond Chen Siang Thien
Head of Women's Development Division: Mrs. Linda
Head of e-Commerce Development Division: Mr. David Ooi Kok Tong
Head of Administration and Support Division: Mrs. Shafiennawanie Mohamad Faisal
Third Row from the front left (Board Committee Members):
Head of Education Division: Tuan Lim Yi Jun
Head of R&D Fund Division: Tuan Jeno Lim Jun Horng
Head of Grants & Loans Division: Mr. William Siow Wien Liang
Head of Manufacturing Division: Mr. Foo Yaw Cheen
Head of Construction Division: Ir. Leong Mun Yew
Head of Branch Division: Mr. Chai Chuan Fook