LSBIM ACTIVITY [18] — 10 Apr 2023
Courtesy Visit to Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC)
Kuala Lumpur, 10 April 2023 - LSBIM made a courtesy visit to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to give exposure to board members about knowledge of corruption crimes in Malaysia through the "Anti-corruption Briefing & Dialogue with the Malaysian Industry Talent Board".
Beside that, the LSBIM also had the opportunity to share a little about the background of LSBIM and explanations related to the programs that have been carried out. This courtesy visit was welcomed by YBrs. Tuan Cheong with representatives from the MACC. Hopefully the integrity and anti-corruption program that was discussed can be implemented as well as be able to work closely with the MACC in spreading awareness of the crime of corruption and its consequences to all Malaysians.
#LSBIM #LembagaSumberBakatIndustriMalaysia #SuruhanjayaPencegahanRusuahMalaysia #SPRM #kunjunganhormat #malaysiamadani