LSBIM ACTIVITY [21] — 29 May 2023
Courtesy Visit to Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC)
Cyberjaya, 29 May 2023 - LSBIM paid a courtesy visit to Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) to give exposure to its board members related to the grants that can help small and medium businesses (SMEs) and programs run by MDEC.
Furthermore, this courtesy visit has resulted in an agreement to cooperate between LSBIM and MDEC in digitization programs and related programs.
This courtesy visit was welcomed by Mr. Sudhesh Suppiah, head of the Client Contact Center (CliC). Hopefully this courtesy visit can benefit both parties in offering digital services and products that help improve digital skills among Malaysians.
#LSBIM #LembagaSumberBakatIndustriMalaysia #MalaysiaDigitalEconomyCorporation #MDEC #kunjunganhormat #malaysiamadani