LSBIM ACTIVITY [24] — 14Jul 2023
2023 Government Subsidy Sharing Session
JOHOR BAHRU, 14 JULY 2023 - The Malaysian Industrial Talent Resource Board represented by Tuan William Siow, Head of Service Sector Division, Grants and Loans Division, was the guest of honor at the JCI Johor Bahru mid-year gathering. JCI Johor Bahru's 80-90's themed mid-year meeting went smoothly and was full of fun.
Not only that, the representative of LSBIM, Tuan William Siow also had the opportunity to share information regarding government grants and loans 2023, which enlightened entrepreneurs to some extent on how these subsidies can help their businesses to change and grow.
LSBIM would like to express its gratitude to JCI Johor Bahru for inviting LSBIM representatives to share a little about government grants and loans. Hopefully this partnership will benefit JCI members as well as the general public. Good luck.
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