LSBIM ACTIVITY [8] — 03 Jan 2023
Visit to Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (LHDNM)
Cyberjaya, 03 January 2023 - LSBIM made a courtesy visit to the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRB) to improve the board members' understanding of the services provided by IRB in greater depth such as the e-SMUP and EduZone systems. Not only that, this courtesy visit aims to highlight LSBIM's initiatives in strengthening the elements of general education in Malaysia.
This courtesy visit was welcomed by Yang Berbahagia Puan Masita Samad, Assistant Director of the Profiling Division together with representatives of the IRB Education Division which was held at the IRB Headquarters, Menara Hasil. Hopefully LSBIM and LHDNM can work together in any activities and programs for the present and the future.